Friday, July 25, 2008

Wordle Love

Love my new Wordle that I was inspired to make after reading Lolly's blog. Love that my biggest words - and therefore, the ones I use the most - are LOVE, AMELIA and JACKSON. Wordle obviously just took words from my most recent posts, since there's no mention of knitting or anything other than having a baby, but I think it's an interesting snapshot of my life this summer. (Click to enlarge.)


TinkingBell said...

Gorgeous photos of your lovely girl - she's so gorgeous (gotta wathc those second ones - Samuel was rolling over at 2 weeks and never stopped - the rolled up towel next to him worked well as a 'stopper'!

Chris said...

Oh, your Wordle is wonderful! Mine haven't turned out nearly as well.

Anonymous said...

Love how Grama comes in fairly prominently and even in the right color!!