Despite my attempts to keep Christmas in its place (that place is DECEMBER, in case you're wondering), the world around me just isn't in agreement. I don't know if it's the recession and fears of retail failure that is driving this ever-earlier push of the season (funny, the malls were PACKED for the past two weekends, like, pull out the extra parking attendants kind of packed, like park on the roof of the Mall of America kind of packed, but I digress...), or if it's just this herd mentality of "hey, everyone else is putting out their Christmas lights so I will too" but I think we all need to get a grip.
Let's wait until there is snow in the parts of the country where there should be snow, let's wait until the Thanksgiving dishes are in the dishwasher, and maybe we should all try to wait for, oh, I don't know, December 1st before we deck the halls and fa-la-la-la-la?
I'm not trying to be a Scrooge. Really. I'm not. Anyone who knows me is fully aware of my unabashed love of the Christmas season and all things red-and-green. I was born in December, for crying out loud (on one of the luckier dates before the 25th) and have always had an almost unnatural love for the Christmas tree. Cinnamon-scented pinecones? Love 'em. Hot chocolate with mini-candy canes hanging off the edge? Divine. Outdoor ice-skating, caroling, and one-horse-open-sleigh rides? I'm on board, Mr. Currier and Mr. Ives.
I just wanted to hold off a little longer this year, just, you know, to make it a little more...special.
Our family used to believe that Christmas arrived with Santa at the end of the Macy's Day Parade on Thanksgiving. After that the season was fair game. I have noticed, over the past few years, that my folks break the Christmas music out earlier and earlier. It wouldn't surprise me if Dad has already moved all the cds up from the basement and banished any non-seasonal music from the multi-disc players...
As for me? Well, I did find myself humming a Christmas tune this morning. And I have been considering making the dough for Christmas cookies. Just so I have it ready when the season officially starts...
Mmm... pumpkin bread...
I know that retailers are trying to lure people out early, as they panic. So far the only place I've encountered carols is at Caribou.
I KNOW!!! One of our local radio stations started the 24/7 Christmas tunes TWO WEEKS AGO!!! I was in the car flipping the stations, landed on that one and gasped, "Are you freaking KIDDING me???"
I think maybe I'm more of a Scrooge than most, because there is a limit to how much "holiday cheer" I can handle.
I worked in retail years and years ago and I remember the Christmas music starting the day after Thanksgiving and not a moment sooner. Are all the retailers THAT desperate to get us to go out and BUY, BUY, BUY??
Stupid question;-)
see, now, I, of all people, should be rushing the season, because our Advent is going to be sucked up by a wee boy and do I have a single thing for T's Advent calendar? Ha, ha. I did see a cute calendar with windows for each day with pictures behind them, and I think I'll pick that up tomorrow, but presents? Yeah, I think I'll be ordering everyone a pair of SmartWool socks and trying to make a batch or two of fudge.
I counter your MOO with a gobblegobblegobble! ;)
I am with you...would love for it to wait until the day after Thanksgiving..which I love too...but when the 2nd grade class I subbed in today practiced their Christmas song for the program coming up the first part of December...I was hooked already. Bring it on!!
I bet your house smells wonderful!
You are hilarious. And I couldn't agree with you more. I have a list of holiday goodies I can't wait to bake (and more importantly consume), but I'm trying to hold off...but why? I have a little boy (like yours!) who doesn't have any sense of time and would LOVE it if I handed him a set of Christmas cookie cutters and a rolling pin. So, why not?! In small, sweet doses, it's just as fun, if not more so. Cheers!
I'm all for waiting. Everything has a time and a place, for a REASON! The rest of the world (Retail World) needs to get a clue!
Missy is going to yell at you!! Xmas music does not come on until after thanksgiving dinner is over...although I too heard some holiday music out and about this weekend and sang along a bit:) Makes the cold weather not so bad if you ask me.
We've had Christmas cards etc on display in the shops since AUGUST here! No Thanksgiving to keep it in check, fortunately the decorations in the mall only went up in October...
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