Thursday, January 18, 2007


I stole this image from some random blog but I found that it originated from this person...I have no idea if THIS week is still actually de-lurking week, but I figured it would be a good way to get all of the many dear readers of yogurt & granola to stop and say "hello!" I watch my hits go up and up and up, I know you're out there! Tell me about yourself so I can stop and visit your blog too!

Seriously, I have no idea how the stay-at-home-moms-before-the-Internet-Age did it. The knitty, mommy, crafty blogging community is too cool and I appreciate every one of my visitors. Now...what was it you wanted to say?
p.s. Please note, that you do NOT have to be knitty, a mommy, crafty or even have a blog to post a comment. Everyone is welcome here! I even accept anonymous comments, though I would much prefer to know your name...


Anonymous said...

Delurking here after reading your blog for a few months. I happened across it after the Yarn Harlot's visit to Eau Claire, where I live. Your blog was listed on the Yellow Dog website. Must say I love reading your blog and you've actually had a little influence in my life. I had never heard of Unitarian Universalism before reading about your peparations for Jackson's dedication, but ended up doing a little research and found our local church. Thank you-my husband and I can finally agree on a religion that makes sense to both of us.
I don't have my own blog - yet- but maybe someday soon. Keep up the great work.

christina said...

hey, its tina. i love the knitting on your blog and the pics of jackson. he couldn't be cuter! i have a blog that's not mine, but i seem to be taking it over because my boyfriend is getting sick of posting. it's or maybe he just needs a little break, who knows. sorry to hear about the flu. isn't this the second time this winter!

Gretchen said...

I think I found your blog through Daily Fiber Therapy. I like knit blogs, and your little guy is a cutie! I also was in the Knitter's Coffee Swap, though I wasn't your partner-duh! Anyway, I struggle with trying to keep up a blog; failing so far. Have a great weekend!

Rebekah said...

Hey Catherine, I'm sitting here eating yogurt and granola right this very minute and decided to check in on you! A de-lurking week could be interesting. Mmmm, we'll see what happens with that! I enjoy your posts about knitting because I wouldn't know how to hold knitting needles. One day, one day. Jackson is a doll! PS, how do you know about the hits?

Catherine said...

Sarah Meow-Meow! That's so cool that you and your hubby are UUs now! I would never in a million years have tried to "convert" anyone to a religion (and UUs aren't likely converters anyway!), but it's just so cool that my posts opened up a door for you. I hope you enjoy your new spiritual path, however you define it!

@JDHealingTimeOnEarth said...

Very cool, Catherine! I may have to borrow this from you! I also get lots of lurkers!