Thursday, May 17, 2007


I've seen this meme everywhere and Connie just tagged me, so here I go!


1. Each player starts with 8 random facts about themselves.

2. People who are tagged write a blog post about their 8 random things and post the rules.

3. At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and post their names.

4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Eight Random Things about Me:

1. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 25 or 26. (I was a city kid - who needs to drive with bikes and buses?) I finally got my license when my boyfriend at the time gave me a car. And even then, I let the car sit in the driveway for three months before actually deciding to get a license to operate it.

2. I met Sarah, Monica, Rebecca, Kate, Laurie & Bob and my husband all through Community Education classes and trips. Some of my best friends!

3. Dan likes bananas a little green (ew) and I like them a little closer to ripe so we're a perfect pair banana-wise. I also make perfect banana chocolate chip muffins for when I forget to follow through on my end of the banana deal.

4. I can't knit more than one pair of socks at a time. I can knit more than one project at a time, sure. No problem. But only one pair of socks allowed.

5. I live for "back stuff." You know, not quite a back massage, not quite back scratching, but that soft, tickly stuff that puts you to sleep? Yeah, I'm an addict. And again, Dan and I are perfectly paired because he's a back-stuff-giver. (Oh, how I love My Dan.)

6. I hate wind.

7. I love laundry. Love sorting it, love doing it, love folding it, love putting it away...Okay, maybe those things aren't all loved individually, but I do so love the feeling of having everything fresh and clean and put away. I can't let a load of laundry sit in the dryer or on the couch and sleep well. It must be folded and put away. (And I've always had cats, so leaving it out for them isn't really an option unless you want cat hair all over your freshly washed clothes!)

8. I can't stand milk. I love ice cream, cheese and yogurt (obviously, you're here, aren't you?), but the thought of drinking a glass of cow's milk makes my stomach turn. My mom used to put one of those milk tickets in my lunchbox for school everyday so I would get some cold milk in the cafeteria, but I always returned it in my lunchbox unused. My stubborn protest.

Consider yourself tagged: Mr. & Mrs. Me, Stickchick, Rebecca, La Verna, Hege, My Cousin Ginny, Shizknits, and Purple Purl Girl.

(For you early Friday morning readers, love, friday is coming. Stay tuned! Much to love this week...)


Melissa Perreault said...

Oh dear!! I have to reveal weird things about myself?!?!

Why do I feel this strange sense of giddiness that you picked me?? Like being picked in grade school for sports- glad someone liked you enough to pick you and not be last right?

I so need to make those muffins of yours!! I kinda forgot and have some bananas just for the job! Yum!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hate wind too, and my husband loves to have the doors open and a "nice breeze" coming through the house!

We are the opposite of you guys with the bananas. He always complains that I eat them all before they are 'ready' for him to eat.

Loved reading your list.