Friday, March 28, 2008

love, friday

Love that Jackson has figured out how to remove the caps from his markers all by himself. Wait. Let's revisit that that Jackson's markers are WASHABLE. (Sorry, Mom...he's looking pretty right-handed to me. Notice how it's his LEFT hand that has the colors all over it because he used his RIGHT hand to make the marks?) :)
Loved taking Jackson to his first rally at the State Capitol yesterday in support of ECFE programs. Loved riding the school bus and all of the excitement that that alone entailed for a small boy, loved the awe of the "big steps!" at the Capitol building, loved the presence of so many parents and kids committed to early childhood education and...Jackson loved Clifford, the Big Red Dog. (So much so, that he was very upset when he realized that Clifford wasn't coming home on the bus with us for dinner!)
Love going for spring walks with Jackson and one of his best buddies. Love that these two get along so well and love that the noise level in my house this morning was due to squeals and laughter from the games they were playing together instead of whining and "MINE!" (which is inevitable too...of course).
Love that Jackson loves his hand-knit scarf from his great-aunt's friend (direct from Germany) and that he hasn't taken it off (indoors or outdoors) since re-discovering it yesterday. "Mommy, it's SOFT!"

Love that Jackson picked up a walking stick "just like Daddy's" on our walk today and wanted to be sure to leave it just outside the front door for our next walk. So Daddy can see it too...
Love making progress on Amelia's baby blanket (photos soon, I swear).

Love homemade vegan mixed-berry muffins.

Love the anticipation of smoked mozzarella, zucchini, cornmeal crust pizza tonight and hope that it turns out as good as it looks in my mind's eye.

love, friday


Anonymous said...

Clifford! Oh, I would SO give Clifford a hug if I could see him in person! Looks like you guys are having a lovely Friday--and dinner sounds delicious. =)

Chris said...

Can you imagine our poor parents in the days of non-washable markers and paints and crayons?! Oy.

Oh, man, that pizza sounds GOOD.

Kim Campbell said...

I agree that pizza sounds yummy! Will you share the recipe?

Love that you all love Beatrix Potter!