• Love having a one day "work week" this week. We got back on the 31st late at night, bummed around on the 1st, Dan went back to work today while I stayed home with the kids and - VOILA! - it's already the weekend. Sweet.
• Love that my husband knows me so well. When I asked him what I love just now (you know, 'cause it's late and I'm tired), he replied "cool yarn and good manners." That's not exactly what I was going for, but...
• Love all the cool yarn that Dan gave me for my birthday and Christmas combined. And love the cool yarn that Kristina just sent to me. And love the cool yarn that I bought at my sister's old yarn store in Columbus. Yeah...I do love cool yarn.
• Love good manners. He's right. I get super irked by rude people.
• Love not getting in the car for two days after two days of being stuck in the car.
• Love being this close to done with Dan's sweater. I'm ready to hit the basket of all of my other forgotten projects (notice that "on hold" on the side bar has been deleted in favor of them all being "on the needles?") and he's ready to wear his birthday present from 2007 already.
• Love that Jackson says "anything" when he means "nothing." It makes him sound rather agreeable, even though he's usually being completely contrary.
• Love that both of my kids get straight A's for the road trip. We strapped these kids into car seats for a grand total of 45 hours (there and back) and only heard whining or crying once or twice. It was amazing.
• Love 2009 already. So far, so good.
love, friday
I love your socks!! It sure is funny how the yarn did that color thing...but I would like them even more that way for sure too.
I found 3 different "projects worth" of yarn stashed around in silly places while searching for my favorite size 2 double points tonight...yay...all cool yarn too!! I am going to try to use SOME of that up before buying more yarn. (especially since that is just the "found" yarn. I have alot that I already knew about..heeehee.
have a fun weekend!!
Love your unique socks...very cool! I'm hoping to get my knit-thing on this weekend. Guess I should get off the computer first.
Love love the socks - and the way they are the same and different!
Happy new year to you all!
Wow, your children are wonderful to withstand such a road trip! I'm so happy for you that they were such sports - doesn't it just make all the difference in the world? Welcome home - I'm sure you were more than ready to all sleep in your own beds (that's always my favorite part of coming home)! Hope to see you more in 2009!
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