• Acorn Squash Lasagna (Cookie)
• Autumn Cheesecake with Apples (Mama Grouch)
• Apple Crisp (Rebecca #1)
• Harvest Time Pumpkin Bars (Kate)
• Sweet Pumpkin Dip (Laurie)
• Some sort of delicious apple bar that I didn't get the name of (Knittymama)
• Zucchini Muffins (Karen)
• Pumpkin Pie (yours truly)
Notice how that list is heavy on the desserts? I guess we can see where this group is headed - coffeehouse mochas and desserts at each meeting!
In keeping with our theme, our project for the night was to make dried soup mixes in jars to save for the winter months (or tomorrow, as some were already talking about making theirs!).

Speaking of community, here are the items that we collected for the Emergency Food Shelf Network:

Catch-up News:
Hadley and Brad(ly) got married! Congratulations! We had so much fun at your wedding!!

Jackson News:
Jackson started swimming lessons today - stay tuned for photos next week when Daddy comes with us. He LOVED it. He must be a fish like his Daddy, because he certainly isn't getting this love of the water from his mother. Maybe these baby swimming lessons will be good for me too!
Jackson also loves to "cruise" on the new toy that was passed down to him from his friend Charlie. He has so much fun on this that he screams if we try to take him off. Here's a clip for your viewing pleasure:
He also screams when I try to take him out of the baby swing at the park - today was the first official ride on the swing and it lasted about 30 minutes. Must...bring...camera...to...park...
Knitting news:
Knittymama, Knittybaby and I went to see the Yarn Harlot in Eau Claire on Sunday and had a blast! (Jackson stayed at home with his Dad...) The Harlot is hilarious and it was such a joy to sit in a room filled with knitters and listen to her talk about our sport (you had to be there). Why did I go all the way to Eau Claire to see an author who writes about knitting?! Because I could and I did and it was fun.
Though I truly wish that I had not taken off my hand-knit socks just before leaving the house, since some of the Minnesota contingent got together for this photo:

I bought the most lovely and soft deep orange cotton cashmere yarn at the Yellow Dog yarn store (sponsors of the Harlot's visit) to make a pumpkin hat for Jackson.

I don't sleep enough though so it's time to say good night. I sure hope my preferred candidate wins the primary today though...at last check he was coming in with 48%. Can't wait to see what happens overnight!
(Update Monday morning...he didn't win. Why don't the people I vote for ever win?)

Grama's Pumpkin Pie (sorry Farmgirls, I left the whipped cream at home!!)
3 eggs, slightly beaten
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cloves
1 tsp ginger
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp flour
1 1/2 cups pumpkin
1 1/2 cups evaporated milk
Beat eggs slightly. Add all ingredients except milk and mix well. Add milk. Turn into unbaked pastry shell, 9-inch pan. Bake at 450 degrees for 10 minutes, then 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes.
Note: The mixture will be very liquidy and it’s therefore very difficult to move the pie from counter to oven. Try to pour the mixture into the pastry shell directly on the oven rack (pour slowly) or on another surface very close and almost level with your oven. Slowly push the oven rack back into the oven. This is the only difficult part, if you can get through this, you can make a good old-fashioned pumpkin pie. You can tell it’s done when a silver knife comes out clean. It needs to set-up a while after baking – it’s best to bake it well in advance.
The meeting and a post all in one night? Girl, you have some serious energy!:-) The poor Harlot is still stuck in my camera!
Glad you liked the apple bars. They are from the st. Paul Farmer's Market cookbook.
The sock photo is great!
It was great to meet you the other night!
The Urban Farmgirls group sounds absolutely wonderful - great fun, great friends, great food. I love the picture of everyone around the table and one mama wearing her little one on her back. I think we've all been there (or will be there in a few more months ;-) )
Jackson sure is a cutie!
I had such a great time the other night! Andy thanks you for the pumpkin pie -- he loved it! :)
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