Friday, March 30, 2007

love, friday

Love that Jackson finally mastered the stacker toy and can now spend at least a half-hour playing with it.

Love that my tulips are coming up in front even though I thought I had dug them all up last year because they were a little ratty and old. Love that Nature has its own mind.

Love the rain today because it reminds me of living in a tiny town on the California coast in the Redwoods, all those years ago. Love the Redwoods.

Love that Jackson loves his new monkey potholder that he *had* to have while cruising Target this week. Love that when you ask him what a monkey says, he replies, "ah! ah!"

Love my new Etsy shop banner. Love putting together my shop inventory. Love that it's opening this weekend.

love, friday


Rebekah said...

I "love" that you're doing this. I also "love" that you are going to open up an etsy shop. You are so talented, you'll have lots of success there. I also "love" that shot of your cat.

shizzknits said...

WOw, an Etsy shop!!! Woot!

And I love that potholder too...we have the matching plates and they look exactly the same. Too cute!

Rob and Maria said...

Hey, what's an etsy shop?? That sounds interesting!
