Monday, February 05, 2007

The Weekend Report

It's sort of cheating to report this item as a "finished object" when the needle-felting details have yet to be completed, but the knitting and fulling are done so I'm saying it's done. What a lovely holder for my yet-to-be-completed green scarf, don't you think? I'm having a ton of fun playing with the Kool-Aid died roving for embellishments and hope to get back to it tonight. Not the best activity when Jackson's hanging know, the needles and all.

Still working on sock #2 for The Foot, it's flying on the needles. I can't wait to finish it!

Uncle Rob & Aunt Maria came to visit us this weekend from the East Coast. They seemed a little :::cold::: all weekend. With temps around -10 by day and colder by night, we had to choose our activities wisely! (Which was a minor drag since this is not a shopping mall crowd, we like to be out and about...) We did have a ton of fun though, as expected, and here are the photos to prove it. The main point of the visit was to spend time with Little J. Man, so we did a lot of hanging around the house. A bit of touring, lunch out, dinner out, a movie out* and a bit more touring, but mostly we just hung around. The visit was too short, as usual... Can't wait to see you again soon, Rob & Maria. We'll get our 2007 calendar figured out and hopefully hop out to the East Coast next time!

We're not big football fans, but had to bring the TV up this weekend for the SuperBowl anyway, Dan being an Ad Guy and all. The TV has been packed away in the basement for seven months without missing it at all and when it was brought back upstairs, both Dan and I commented on how it felt very out of place in our living room. Needless to say, it's going back downstairs tonight and hasn't been turned on since the game was over. (We even finished watching our movie on the computer last night instead of the habits...) Jack, on the other hand, would love for us to keep this new exciting talking-head moving box upstairs for his entertainment. Sorry, Jack. Not now, maybe later!

Simon remains a wonderful addition to our family and made an outstanding impression on our latest houseguests (all of our weekend visitors recently have commented on wanting to take him home in their suitcases). He does not, however, understand the rules of our house yet. What is a cat doing up on the counter, I ask you? Dan apparently thought it was cute enough to snap this photo. Cute? No, I don't want a cat on my counter. Will I be able to teach an older cat new tricks? Doubtful. Can Simon stay anyway? Absolutely.
* Movie = Pan's Labyrinth
A fairy tale for adults, sort of great, sort of creepy, very disturbing, not what I was expecting, beautiful cinematography, not sure I'd recommend it but very, very, very interesting. How's that for a review?


Anonymous said...

The knitting bag looks great! I didn't have a tv for most of my childhood and was better off without it, we do have one now, though it's rarely on and we watch most of our stuff on dvd on the computer.

If the cat is very attached to you then a firm no when he gets up on things he shouldn't should work, or you can spray him with a few squirts of water. Mind you, I don't want to think about what our cat gets up to when we're not home...

Becca said...

I love the bag! Gorgeous. And are those spices in baby food jars on your buffet table? Great idea. Any ideas on where I could get a hold of empty baby food jars?